Have you ever wondered…How will your grandkids & great grandkids view your legacy 50+ years from now? 🤔 How do you currently view your family’s portraits & legacy? I’m beyond thrilled to be better serving my clients by making sure their portraits end up in their hands and on their walls, not lost on iPhones & hard drives that will either be outdated, or worst, go corrupt. Yikes…but it’s a reality. As a family portrait photographer, I not only want to provide amazing imagery, but also the highest quality of products for my clients to enjoy those images. Wether you know it or not, this is your legacy! How are you preserving it for future generations to enjoy? To have our beloved family portraits hang proudly on our walls, on our bedside table, or on a coffee table is really the main purpose we have our portraits professionally taken anyway, yes? You will have to tell me how you love enjoying your family’s history and legacy!

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