An outdoor family fall session in Knoxville with a fun, down-to-earth family of four This fall family session with the Sloans was shot on a lovely cool, crisp autumn evening. Despite it being overcast, and the last minute venue switch, the images still turned out as a beautiful display of the Sloan family’s connection and […]
A bright and cozy in-home lifestyle family session with the cutest family ever! Let me ask you a question: have you ever considered doing a family session at your home? If not, why not? Trust me, your home does not have to be picture-perfect! In fact, this in-home lifestyle family session was shot in just […]
I am sharing with you today some fun, raw images of my precious daughter, Margie, this time last year. Has a whole year really passed? This is why I love being a Knoxville lifestyle photographer. Goodness, has a year already passed?! Another summer has come and gone with our little firecracker toddler, Margie! And to […]
A dreamy lifestyle countryside backyard family session just outside of Knoxville, TN. You can view another small, precious lifestyle session here!
This is by far one of my favorite family vacations we’ve taken yet! In fact, we are already planning next year’s camping trip to Door County, WI. I compiled all of our images just taken on film from our Door County camping vacation to create this post. I considered adding in the iPhone pics as […]
A lovely East TN intimate countryside wedding along the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains. From the private vows to the llamas (yes, the llamas!), to a reception with lots of cotton candy, this was certainly a fun wedding! This East TN intimate countryside wedding was a small affair, but not short on love or […]