I am sharing with you today some fun, raw images of my precious daughter, Margie, this time last year. Has a whole year really passed? This is why I love being a Knoxville lifestyle photographer.
Goodness, has a year already passed?! Another summer has come and gone with our little firecracker toddler, Margie! And to think we have another bundle of joy joining us any day now! With that being said, I wanted to share with you today some very real, everyday moments (yet oh-so-charming) images of our daughter. I love getting to capture her in the moment because even just a year later, I cherish these images so much!
As a Knoxville lifestyle photographer, this is why I do what I do. To freeze and immortalize those toddler curls, those chubby cheeks, priceless expressions, and so many other little nuances we say we will always remember but so quickly forget as the years pass. It is not lost on me what a privilege it is to document these early childhood days at home for families!
I suppose I am being a little extra sappy with another little guy joining us any day now. But here are a few images (out of MANY, haha) I selected from last summer that are really pulling all the emotional strings for me. 🙂

View another fun, personal blog post here and here!
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