A bright and cozy in-home lifestyle family session with the cutest family ever!
Let me ask you a question: have you ever considered doing a family session at your home? If not, why not? Trust me, your home does not have to be picture-perfect! In fact, this in-home lifestyle family session was shot in just ONE, TINY room of their home. The rest of their house? A good portion of their home was destroyed by a tornado that passed through!! Would you believe it?! Let this be an encouragement that having your next family session be at your home – the most sacred and sentimental location in my opinion! And what a memorable legacy that will be to leave for your children, to have images made in your very own childhood home. <3 This truly is the best gift you can give not just yourself, but your children too. This is what a legacy is.
The Stewart family, pictured below, were just the most adorable little clan to photograph. Their kiddos were just so stinkin’ cute!! They could take no bad photos! Sadly their home did get hit by a tornado that had passed through Knoxville at the beginning of the fall season. So we held their family session in their sunroom. It was quite beautiful with all the natural light pouring in and hugging around them.
They were so relaxed being at home. I mainly just had them snuggled up together on the couch. As a photographer, I love the challenge of photographing in a limited setting. In my opinion, a good photographer can make lovely and differentiating images in just one, small location, like a sunroom.
Scroll on through and take a gander at this light-filled in-home lifestyle family session. And then maybe imagine what it would be like having professional lifestyle family pictures taken at YOUR home! Trust me, when you hire a professional, your images will always turn out magical, even if your home is not Pinterest-worthy.

If you loved this bright, emotive family session, check out another fun one here which also started out at their home.
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